In Seattle, Noms, Uncategorized

Seattle Foodie-ish.

Often seemingly out of nowhere ~ my foodie self appears. Enthralled by the local food scene, and the community that surrounds it, a mood will strike and I will find myself hearting up Instagram posts ranging from sugar coated baked goods to health/environment focused Meat Free Monday meals (say that one five times fast).

A few months back, I attended a Seattle Foodies Instameet and since then I have been thinking more about the role of food and community building in the age of Instagram.

I have followed a number of local foodies and have begun to seek out unique cuisine in my travels. I have learned new hashtag lingo. I am delighted to see that a good food snap can lead to an interesting cross cultural or cross neighborhood dialogue/meetup.

Naturally, when I learned a Pie Instameet at A La Mode Pies was going to be led by my delightful friend Seattle Dessert Geek aka Jess Tupper I knew this was a chance to be part take part in something especially delicious. Every time I hang w/ Jess I seem to find myself consuming food that is wonderful, unique, and memorable… Also, I like pie ~ basically because I’m human.

Call It Like You See It
The Blue Hawaiian – signature pie of A La Mode & lovely Elvis Tribute 🙂
Edge of delicious
Mexican Chocolate Mousse – My chosen slice
Oreo Okay
Cookies & Cream – this one was my bestie’s favorite.
Truth About Instagram
Instagrammer @SeattleOnTheRun aka Page snapping the magical Chocolate Peanut Butter Mousse (also seen w/ me in the featured photo at the top of the post)

While people do complain about a world filled with people, “just posting pictures of food online”, I have seen friendships and professional growth develop through Internet foodie culture.  For me, becoming a #SeattleFoodie is an entirely delicious experience.


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Amara Inspired on YouTube #IWD

It’s International Women’s Day & to celebrate I made three YouTube playlists, yep three, one for each channel. On my main channel, Amara In Seattle, is a playlist of videos that inspire me, many of these are among my all time favorite YouTube videos for various reasons, explained below.

Elizabeth Gilbert’s Ted Talk: Your elusive creative genius
It would often happen on the way to an old job, that I would suddenly feel like I must MUST write something down.  In this Tedtalk writer, Elizabeth Gilbert, highlights the value of that feeling & helped me to make changes into a Big Magic filled creative life.

St. Patty’s Day Hair of the Dog w/ Hannah Hart & Grace Helbig

There is a moment of true friendship that is captured during this episode of YouTube comedian Mamrie Hart’s show, You Deserve a Drink, when things go terribly wrong.  This video highlights why these three women are pillars of YouTube culture, in large part because they care about each other in the way we all want our friends to.

Finishing with Sprinkle of Glitter – Louise Pentland
When long time British YouTube creator, Louise Pentland, decided to step away from her established YouTube formula to be more honest and direct with her audience it was risky. Inspiring and truly brave, Louise is leading the way in the development of YouTube as a platform for evolving dynamic creators.

Meghan Tonjes – ‘This Year’ OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO
This is probably not Meghan Tonjes favorite song, it was early in her music career and launched her to video success (and landed her on Ellen!), but for me the lyrics continue to be inspiration whenever I need a reminder that this moment and year is part of my journey.

Too Emotional – Mayim Bialik
Mayim Bialik has stood off to the side from me for a long time. I didn’t watch Blossom as a child but it was there in all its uniquely dressed glory. Her channel is new, but tackles subjects that are very open and raw, using her Big Bang Theory celebrity to open important digital dialogues like this one on feelings.

Living The Mr. Kate Lifestyle – Mr. Kate
I have watched Mr. Kate build her one-of-a-kind channel to over 1 million subscribers through hard work and strange colorful ideas. When this video debuted it brought Kate into my view, and I have watched her be silly, weird, creative, and brilliant ever since. Kate showed me that YouTube offered a one of a kind amazing opportunity. She also inspired me to realize there is room for different kinds of lifestyle channels, helping me to form Amara In Seattle.

Climbing Mt. Fuji – Sharla In Japan
Sharla took me up Mt. Fuji and in the process helped shape my vision for my travel channel, Amara Not In Seattle ~ a place to share travel as I see it: in beautiful experiences. Videos that feel like you are right there, experiencing those one of a kind travel moments.

House Tour – Rosanne Pansino
Ro is the queen of YouTube growth and improvement but it is the way she designed her home, to also be her workspace, that inspired me to see her as a model #girlboss. This design is inspiring, downright clever, and got me to begin dreaming about how Amara In Seattle could blow past expectations. Also, Ro is also a Seattle gal, so I may be a little delightfully bias.

25 Ways to Wear a Scarf in 4.5 Minutes – Wendy’s Lookbook
This vid sparked the idea that I want to learn technical video creation skills for artistic reasons, as well as practical ones. The information is presented in such an entertaining way that it immediately got me thinking: I wish I could do that. Now, when I get stuck learning a program or digital process I return to this tutorial to be inspired.

Wild Flag – Romance
There is a moment in this music video when Carrie Brownstein rocks out so hard it answered a question I’d had most of my life: what instrument is for me. This video helped put an electric guitar in my hands and is filled with strength and silliness. The video for Romance is a good reminder that badass and goofy can and should go together.

Check Out the Other Amara In Seattle International Women’s Day Activities:

What women inspire you? Let me know in the comments below.

Join the discussion in the comments below & by using the hashtags: #HerVoiceIsMyVoice #BeBoldForChange

Journal, Life

Thanks for the Crayons

img_2521When I was thirteen I overheard a father explain to his kids that they could only draw for an hour because he didn’t want them to get used to the idea that art was acceptable. It was the first time I felt sad about art.  It was also the first time I recognized that making art contains an element of fear.

The father limited the crayons because becoming an artist is scary, both for the artist and the people who care about them. The ground to an artistic life is shaky and the path is unclear. For many who make art, there is hardly a path at all.

I’ve found that creating the path to art is part of the art you end up making.

That day, the crayons may have been taken away from those kids but it also was the day my path changed. I learned about the defensive lurch to fight for art that lives inside me. A need for creation that motivates and inspires me to step up and try new things.

Sometimes I fail.

Sometimes I fail hard.

Learning is a process and art is constant learning.

Drawing your own course is easier when you are given crayons and surrounded people who believe you may be able to use them. I am more thankful than I can ever express for my community, those who believe in the spark of possibility, those who remind me that getting lost in the woods is part of many of the best stories, and those who share their art. You rockstars are the best and you make me, and the art, better everyday and I love you for it.

Thank you for the crayons!


Best Adventures,
Amara In Seattle